Functional Training Institute


  • MMA Kettlebell Workout

    MMA Kettlebell Workout


    This week’s Workout of the Week is inspired by our MMA Conditioning Course and Concepts. It is an MMA Kettlebell Workout that will challenge you in a big way! It is the following: 10 Overhead Kettlebell Sit-ups 10 Deck Squats 10 Walk out Push-ups into Deadlifts 10 Alternating Rows with a Punch 10 Lateral Kettlebell Swings […]

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  • The Posterior Smash


    The Posterior Smash Today’s Posterior Smash Kettlebell workout has been developed to target the posterior chain, including glutes, hamstrings and lower back. 10 x Good Mornings 10 x 2 Hand Swings 10 x Right Cleans 10 x Right Lateral Lunges 10 x Left Cleans 10 x Left Lateral Lunges 10 x Right Snatches 10 x […]

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  • Kettlebell Assessment

    Kettlebell Assessment


    Kettlebell Assessment This Assessment is all about measuring improvement. It will measure your strength endurance (many of these workouts are aimed at developing your strength endurance, power endurance and enhancing your aerobic and anaerobic capacity). There is no point compromising form or technique to ‘get’ more repetitions – it’s not what AIK are about. What we’re after here are […]

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  • Kettlebell Workout & Routines

    Kettlebell Workout & Routines


    Workout of the Week: Don’t Drop the Bell Advanced Version This kettlebell exercise is based on the incredibly popular ‘Drop the Kettlebell’ workout.  This time we have the Double Kettlebell version and includes a twist! Kettlebell Workout & Routines It is a 20 Minute AMRAP and every time you drop  the bells you need to […]

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  • Kettlebell Workout: The Assassinator Part 2

    Kettlebell Workout: The Assassinator Part 2


    Kettlebell Workout: The Assassinator Part 2 The Assassinator was one of our most popular timed workouts so now we have another challenging proposition… Part 2! The protocols are the same – 45 seconds of workout and 15 seconds rest/transition. There are 5 exercises and the aim is to complete 4 loops. The exercises are: Alternating […]

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  • Kettlebell Endurance Workout: Don't Drop the Bell

    Kettlebell Endurance Workout: Don’t Drop the Bell


    Kettlebell Endurance Workout: Don’t Drop the Bell This workout is very much an endurance based workout where you cannot let the bell touch the ground for the full 20 minutes. You continue to do as many loops as possible of the below exercises: 10 Single Arm Swings each side 10 Cleans each side 10 High […]

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