Fundamentals of Strength Training
Functional Mobility Course – Online
- Learn effective warm-up strategies
- Apply effective mobility methods
- Become a certified mobility coach
Kettlebell Instructor Course Online
- Become a certified kettlebell coach
- Learn to coach complex movements
- Expertly apply programming principles
Functional Bags Course – Online
- Apply essential strength principles
- Confidently coach fundamental soft loaded movements
- Expertly apply programming methods
Battling Ropes Course – Online
- Learn how to effectively use the battling rope
- Apply velocity training principles
- Expertly apply 3-Dimensional movement
Coach with Purpose
- Learn the art of coaching
- Learn how to be a great communicator
- Elevate your coaching skills to new levels
Functional Breathing Training Certification
- Learn the biomechanics of breathing
- Learn breath drills for performance in everyday life
- Become a certified breath specialist
Mobility Flexibility Certification for Trainers
- Understand the what, why and how of flexibility and mobility training
- Learn how to program flexibility and mobility training
- Learn how to successfully apply these principles into your training business
Feel Your Anatomy
- Learn to feel loading patterns
- Program and teach flexibility more effectively
- Develop coaching cues to engage your clients
Suspension Training Course Online – Crankit Essentials And Advanced
- Learn fundamental and advanced movements
- Learn the science behind the tool
- Apply programming methods for all levels of clients
Mental Skills Training
- Building Resilience and Managing emotions
- Emotional Intelligence development
- Communication Skills Development
Instability Training
- How the Swiss ball benefits posture and balance
- Using unstable surface training as a progression or load from a stable surface
- Advance the unstable surface training with progressive movement
Movement Preparation Specialist
- Understand how to apply the RAMP protocol for effective prep
work - Instruct, learn and apply key prep movements
- List a system of the most current preparation protocols for a broad range of clients
- Understand how to apply the RAMP protocol for effective prep
Functional Recovery Specialist
- Understand the importance of recovery in an exercise program
- List a range of recovery strategies available to clients in the fitness industry
- Evaluate the role of recovery strategies in a fitness training context
Injury Prevention Kit
- The Background Story on Fitness & Injuries
- Effective Injury Screening with the Injury Prevention Kit
- Injury Prevention Coach (IPC): Applying the IPK System