I recently returned to resume my “normal” duties after 5 weeks away travelling with family and my partner across six countries.
It was a test to remove myself from “normal duties” and loosen control from a business perspective.
For the last 16 years I have given my heart, intellect and an abundance of energies in starting and growing the Functional Training Institute.
Ever since I laid eyes on a kettlebell it was ‘love at first sight’ and I never let that one go…
Suffice to say, the years growing and evolving as a business operator has enabled an unleashing, as it were, of my creative powers in ways intended through my vision many years before FTI existed.
Through passion and purpose FTI was born and so was my pursuit to Kaizen, continuous and never ending improvement. The mode of ‘doing got stronger and stronger and with that , the burning fires of passion and purpose waned from time to time. One could say a physical burn out coupled with mental fatigue. Both those are probably true as it has been from time to time. Yet one other important element that constitutes human striving (doing) balanced with r3 Being (Rest, Reflection and Regeneration) is the focus on sharpening the spirit (or your spirit). This counteracts boredom and the need to be constantly busy with surface meaning stuff. By this I mean the very activities that do not move you forward and toward your vision, as much in business as in life.
Whenever complacency and boredom has reared its ugly head, I have made it a habit to stop and reflect on where I am at in business and life. this mental auditing has enabled me to focus on priorities versus being busy with ongoing projects that might have good intentions, yet are paving a path of frustration and ultimate burnout. At least for me this has been an area of my life where I have wrestled with the forces of constant doing and quite reflection, only to discover the hard way that these are the very Ying and Yang of business and life
One of the cures for busy-ness is – providing you got the systems and people in place – to let go and take some time away from it. Whether it’s a week or five weeks – the longer the better. This commitment has empowered me to focus on what I think is the most importantly endeavour which is to Sharpen the spirit. By doing so, pasión and purpose are aflame with a sort of refinement of meaning furnished in the fires from within
In the words of a song by Gang of Youths “Don’t let your spirit wane.’
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