Video Of The Week: Intense Battling Ropes Partner Drill
Hi Team, its Tarek and Dan (Co-Founders) from the Australian Institute of Kettlebells.
We are here this week to showcase a Brilliant Battling Ropes Partner Drill that you can do with your client or get your clients to do together during Small Group Training sessions or Semi Privates. Battling Ropes are a great tool to use in your Small Group or Boot Camp style sessions as they are stimulating and fun tool that really create a lot of excitement and energy. In addition they are great for conditioning and can increase both your aerobic and anaerobic conditioning.
If you are keen to utilize Battling Ropes and Powerbags in your sessions the you should look at our Battling Ropes and Powerbags 2 Day Course Workshop .
- Assume Plank Position
- Start on the Inside Hand
- Perform 10 Single Waves
- Stop, Drop, and Give me 10 Push Ups
- Alternate to the Other Hand and Perform 10 Waves
- Stop, Drop, and Give me 10 Push Ups to Finish
You can repeat this for time or repetitions.
As you see this is a very simple Battling Ropes partner drill. You can add more exercises to further build the complex and increase the difficulty.
If you want to find out MORE about Battling Ropes Please Click Here.
Thanks for watching Guys.
Train Hard,
Train Safe.
The Australian Institute of Kettlebells.
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