Functional Training Institute

Video Series: Exercises I love for shoulders #4

Video #4: Kettlebell Floor Press

Benefits of the Kettlebell Floor Press

  1. Scapular Stability
    The floor press encourages the scapula to remain in a depressed and retracted position against the floor. This promotes stability in the shoulder girdle, enhancing overall shoulder mechanics and reducing the risk of injury.

  2. Transferable Strength for Pressing Movements
    The kettlebell floor press effectively builds strength in the pressing pattern, making it a great crossover exercise for other movements like the bench press or overhead press. This can improve performance in various lifting scenarios.

  3. Rotator Cuff Activation
    The unique loading of the kettlebell during the floor press engages the rotator cuff muscles more effectively. This can lead to improved strength and coordination of the rotator cuff, supporting shoulder stability and enhancing performance in other upper body movements.

Incorporating the kettlebell floor press can provide significant benefits for shoulder mechanics and overall upper body strength.

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