Functional Training Institute

Coach with Purpose

The Art of Coaching Excellence
Advanced Coaching and Communication Techniques


We will cover the theory and science behind communication and how that relates to motivation in relation to autonomy; purpose and mastery. By understanding the theory we can then create a platform in which to coach our clients with purpose.
Coaching is an essential method to maximise the success of clients. The foundation for all great coaching rests on the bedrock of communication and feedback
Coach with purpose is designed to make you a better communicator to your clients. We all have preferred learning styles and by tapping into the power of personality typing we can customise and personalise the way we coach for all our clients. After all each client is unique and a unique approach is required.
Discover effective strength and conditioning programming for better fitness
This is where we explore technical elements of coaching based on the FTI coaching model.
Here we delve deep into how best to communicate to clients or our group during a session to maximise their progress and results.
We take what we have learned in modules 1 and 2 and in particular how to incorporate personality typing into sessions to create the ultimate client (and coach) flow experience.
Ways to facilitate feedback before, during and after a session.
As the powerful saying goes ‘Feedback is the breakfast of champions. This additional pillar of coaching is based on the ‘feedback loop consisting of:
We cover the methodology and science behind crafting feedback to enhance the motivation from coach to client or group.
Coach With Purpose
Coach With Purpose
The art of coaching requires a method and system of communication based on proven principles. You will gain a great understanding in applying key concepts such as:
Only after establishing the backbone of the art of coaching can we truly appreciate the science of it. That is where the magic of this program lies. We will cover key theories in a meaningful and practical way so that you can integrate what you learn right away to great effect.
After this program, you will walk away with skills not just for your coaching practice but also for life.
Take the leap now to greater levels of communication and leadership
Coach With Purpose
Coach With Purpose
We all know the benefits of training and leading healthy and active lifestyle, yet why are there more sedentary people than ever? Do you know that over 60% of well-intended people quit after just 6 months of joining a gym? And that statistic may not reveal the full extent and problem being an irregular turn up at best.
It takes 40-90 days to form a habit so why are we seeing so many people quit before the habit kicks in?
As coaches we have the ability to maximise the impact we can have on our clients more than we perhaps consciously realise. We have the ability to create a true ‘Ripple Effect’ that not only impacts our client but much like a rock sets ripples in the pond so the impact is far reaching. Friends, families and communities are transformed when a coach is fully attune and is equipped with the necessary communication and feedback skills to set the fire within a client. How powerful is that!
We focus so much time in gaining technical knowledge but so little time in learning how to share this knowledge to others. It is time to take your coaching to an influential and effective new level.
Introduction to ‘Coaching with Purpose’ Theory of coaching – knowing your WHY
Module 1: Theory and Science Behind Coaching
Focus of the Module
Module 2 – Personalising coaching – Styles and preferences
Focus of the Module
Module 3 – Language of coaching – Powerful ways to communicate
Focus of the Module
Module 4 – Facilitating Feedback
Focus of the Module
Coach With Purpose
This course is certified with AusActive for 3 CECs
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Buy now with 6 fortnightly Installments
Why Choose the FTI?
About Functional Training
If you’re new to functional training, it can be overwhelming choosing what you want to specialise in. Our Functional Training Masterclass gives you a single day introduction into our primary functional training courses: Kettlebells, Powerbags, Battling Ropes and Mobility. This taster course is perfect for those just starting out in functional training and want to learn a little bit of everything. We have regular Masterclasses in all major cities.


Discover effective strength and conditioning programming for better fitness
Discover effective strength and conditioning programming for better fitness
Discover effective strength and conditioning programming for better fitness
Discover effective strength and conditioning programming for better fitness
Discover effective strength and conditioning programming for better fitness
  • Coach With Purpose

    Functional Mobility Course – Online

    • Learn effective warm-up strategies
    • Apply effective mobility methods
    • Become a certified mobility coach
  • Coach With Purpose

    Kettlebell Instructor Course Online

    • Become a certified kettlebell coach
    • Learn to coach complex movements
    • Expertly apply programming principles
  • Coach With Purpose

    Fundamentals Of Functional Bags Course – Online

    • Apply essential strength principles
    • Confidently coach fundamental soft loaded movements
    • Expertly apply programming methods
  • Coach With Purpose

    Fundamentals Battling Ropes Course – Online

    • Learn how to effectively use the battling rope
    • Apply velocity training principles
    • Expertly apply 3-Dimensional movement
  • Coach With Purpose

    Coach with Purpose

    • Learn the art of coaching
    • Learn how to be a great communicator
    • Elevate your coaching skills to new levels
  • Coach With Purpose

    Functional Breathing Training Certification

    • Learn the biomechanics of breathing
    • Learn breath drills for performance in everyday life
    • Become a certified breath specialist
  • Coach With Purpose

    Mobility Flexibility Certification for Trainers

    • Understand the what, why and how of flexibility and mobility training
    • Learn how to program flexibility and mobility training
    • Learn how to successfully apply these principles into your training business
  • Coach With Purpose

    Feel Your Anatomy

    • Learn to feel loading patterns
    • Program and teach flexibility more effectively
    • Develop coaching cues to engage your clients
  • Coach With Purpose

    Suspension Training Course Online – Crankit Essentials And Advanced

    • Learn fundamental and advanced movements
    • Learn the science behind the tool
    • Apply programming methods for all levels of clients
  • Coach With Purpose

    Prep and Recovery Systems

    • Apply the RAMP protocol for movement prep
    • Learn to use strength and mini bands effectively
    • Learn to apply recovery strategies
  • Coach With Purpose

    Mental Skills Training

    • Building Resilience and Managing emotions
    • Emotional Intelligence development
    • Communication Skills Development
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