FitIndia’s goal is to train instructors in fitness programmes that were developed by the Functional Training Institute and empower them with the latest science driven and research based global fitness trends.
Working with the world’s best professionals, FitIndia has created a host of original programs. The industry has adopted Reebok programming as the “gold” standard. FitIndia’s guidelines and terminology are used by fitness professionals and participants around the world. Each one of FitIndia’s programs is research based, scientifically accurate, practical in approach, easy to implement, meets international industry standards, supports adaptive learning, and uses engaging methodology. FitIndia’s Industry leading programs help you get certified and get the continuing education required to stay ahead in this industry.
Functional Mobility Course – Online
- Learn effective warm-up strategies
- Apply effective mobility methods
- Become a certified mobility coach
Kettlebell Instructor Course Online
- Become a certified kettlebell coach
- Learn to coach complex movements
- Expertly apply programming principles
Functional Bags Course – Online
- Apply essential strength principles
- Confidently coach fundamental soft loaded movements
- Expertly apply programming methods