Functional Training Institute


Japan - Kinetikos
The word Kinetikos = Greek means “movement” or “active”. To all our living beings, moving is to live. Kinetikos aims to build the foundation for more active and lively support for the Japanese people. Kinetikos are experts involved in the body and movement, from the guidance and treatment of rehabilitation to the functional performance improvement. To build a healthier and more functional future for Japan, to provide an environment in which everyone related to this continuum can learn, connect and support together. That is the mission of Kinetikos.
Moved by strong passion and sense of mission, in July 2013, Kinetikos was born. Kinetikos started with the support of English-speaking leaders who are active in the world’s top level in a wide range of genres related to the body and movement, including physiotherapy, strength training, manual therapy, sports performance and so on .Kinetikos is the only educational information site that gathers top-level resources from home and abroad from a wide range of genres.


  • Japan - Kinetikos

    Functional Mobility Course – Online

    • Learn effective warm-up strategies
    • Apply effective mobility methods
    • Become a certified mobility coach
  • Japan - Kinetikos

    Kettlebell Instructor Course Online

    • Become a certified kettlebell coach
    • Learn to coach complex movements
    • Expertly apply programming principles
  • Japan - Kinetikos

    Fundamentals Of Functional Bags Course – Online

    • Apply essential strength principles
    • Confidently coach fundamental soft loaded movements
    • Expertly apply programming methods
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