Functional Training Institute

performance resilience mindset
performance resilience mindset

High-performance mental fitness training to boost your coaching skills

Register for Next Intake - October 25th and receive your
FREE Resource "Developing a high performance resilience mindset" eBook
Why this course?
Are You Ready To Become a Mental Skills Training? If So, Register Your Interest By Entering Your Details Below:
This course is for personal trainers, sports coaches, and fitness pros. It helps you improve your coaching and communication skills.
Basic Overview
Wake Up, Grow up, Clean up and Show up
Our goal is to fully support participants. We help them develop skills to work with clients and build the mental skills needed for high performance
This approach gives participants the skills, authority, and responsibility. They can deliver holistic and consistent mental skills outcomes with clients.
Ultimately the program is about helping participants to help their clients:

Waking up involves breaking free from habits like beliefs, values, and mental conditioning. This leads to mindfulness and presence. By releasing egoic conditioning, clients become less limited, whether they are public or high-performance athletes.

Growing up is about maturity. It means taking multiple perspectives under pressure and responding well. The more perspectives you take, the more complexity you handle. This increases your influence on your environment.

In both life and elite sports, reducing the environment’s influence on you is key. Implementing mental fitness training helps achieve these goals.

Cleaning up means clearing mental barriers, old beliefs, and identity structures that block high performance. Showing up is putting this into action. It’s where clients achieve self-actualization and make meaning matter. This approach grounds development in mental fitness training. Abraham Maslow called this self-actualization. Implementing mental fitness training helps achieve these goals.

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Mental Skills Training for Coaches - October Intake
Upfront $1,650 inc GST
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Mental Skills Approach

This program is about

Building Resilience and Managing emotions (yours and theirs)
Creating full Responsibility and Ownership
Framing and Reframing the work
Mindfulness practices
Understanding Personality
Leadership Development
Communication Skills Development
Emotional Intelligence development
Reframing Anxiety
Curriculum Overview

Each participant completes the Identity Compass Profile as part of their learning/self-awareness

1. Introducing the NLP Communication Model
Communication Coaching Model Understanding how you and how others communicate.
2. Meaning/Performance Model
The Engagement Model
3. Learning Habituated Thinking Biases
Cognitive Intentions explained (identity Compass)
4. Next Level Listening Skills
Advanced Active Listening
5. Rapport
Rapport, connection and accountability
6. Meta model of Language
Detecting Patterns
7. State Management
Emotional Intelligence
8. Perspectives
Integral Quadrants:-4-aspect of human perception
9. Values and Beliefs
Understanding what is important
10. Framing in Communication
Managing expectations: yours and other peoples
11. Resilience
Build your own resource state
12. Identity Compass
Understanding Personality
About the Coaches

High Performance Mental Skills Training is taught by Tarek, FTI founder, and Jay, The Coaching Room co-founder. This program provides tools to overcome limiting beliefs and mental blockages. 

It offers mental fitness techniques to keep your clients and yourself on track. These techniques help in achieving goals.

There’s a whole section devoted to building resilience through the 6-steps of Resilience Method.
You’ll learn how to anchor a resilient state. This allows you and your client to tap into this state at will. It is useful in the event of challenges and pressure.
Resilience is one of many topics covered in High Performance Mental Skills. This training makes you a more valuable and unique trainer for your clients.
Boost your mind with mental fitness training exercises.
Jay Hedley
Founder and Executive Management Coach and Trainer with The Coaching Room

Working with the largest companies and highest-performing athletes on the planet. Jay currently works with Alex Albon (Formula 1 Driver) and Michael Conlan (World Famous Irish featherweight Boxer), among many others. 

Jay has also recently helped Gareth Baber and the Fiji 7s team win Gold at the Tokyo Olympics. A specialist in vertical growth and development, Jay has a background in developmental psychology. He is also an NLP Trainer with over 20 years of experience.

Get Strength Coach Certification and Functional Training Certification Online today
Tarek Michael-Chouja
Founder of the Functional Training Institute
Flagship programs are:

Tarek began as a fitness professional at 20 and now co-owns the largest functional training education company, FTI.

The flagship program, ‘Game Changer Professional,’ empowers business owners with growth tools. Tarek has traveled the world teaching functional training and coaching fitness pros. He has gained key insights into the best methods and techniques to boost coaching performance. 

His passion for creating leaders in health and fitness through training, education, and mental fitness programs has made him an industry leader and innovator.

Our next intake starts on October 25th
running for 12 consecutive weeks
at 4pm - 6pm AEDT via online learning.
Payment Plans available
Gary Baber, Rugby 7s coach and Olympic Gold medalist at Tokyo 2020:
“Shout out to the guys at The Coaching Room, particularly Jay Hedley who helped guide this Fiji 7s team to the heights it reached in Tokyo”.
Most elite athletes and performers, like Gary Baber, work with mental performance coaches. This helps them keep their mental game in check.
They stay at the top of their game. They do not allow mental roadblocks and challenges to derail their progress.
An important part of the mental game athletes work on is – Resilience.
In other words, mental toughness.
If an athlete lacks resilience to overcome challenges and focus on the present, they’re toast.
It’s no different to you and your clients.
When a client comes to you, they may lack the resilience needed to overcome challenges and setbacks. This is often due to old habits, beliefs, and mental roadblocks. As a coach, resilience is a trait you should constantly work on for yourself. You should also help your clients develop resilience.
When challenges hit, it’ll make your job easier as a coach. Running your business will become more manageable. It will also help your clients stay on track. They’ll be 100% engaged in their fitness journey.
Discover effective strength and conditioning programming for better fitness.
Go ahead and register your interest for our next intake in October and we will send you the Highly sought after
"Developing a high performance resilience mindset" eBook


Mental fitness refers to maintaining a state of well-being. It involves cultivating awareness of how we think, behave, and feel. Training the brain to manage stress, improve focus, and enhance overall mental health is essential. Just as physical fitness strengthens the body, mental fitness strengthens the mind. This is achieved through exercises such as meditation, mindfulness, and cognitive behavioral techniques.

The importance of mental fitness is significant. Mental fitness helps improve resilience and emotional regulation. It also enhances overall psychological health. Regular mental exercises can reduce the risk of mental illnesses like depression and anxiety. They enhance cognitive function and improve quality of life. Better stress management, increased productivity, and improved relationships are additional benefits.

Improving mental fitness involves several practices:

Meditation and Mindfulness: These practices enhance self-awareness and reduce stress.

Cognitive Behavioral Techniques: These help reframe negative thinking patterns.

Physical Exercise: Regular exercise boosts mood and brain health.

Healthy Diet: A balanced diet supports brain function.

Adequate Sleep: Ensuring sufficient sleep is crucial for cognitive performance and emotional stability​​​​.

Frequency of mental fitness exercises: Practice mental fitness exercises daily or several times a week. Consistency is key to seeing benefits. Even short, daily practices can be effective. For example, 10-15 minutes of meditation each day can reduce stress and improve focus

Effective exercises:

  • Mindfulness Meditation: Focusing on the present moment.
  • Breathing Exercises: Controlled breathing to reduce stress.
  • Gratitude Journaling: Writing down things you are grateful for.
  • Visualization: Imagining positive outcomes and success.
  • Cognitive Behavioral Techniques: Challenging and changing unhelpful thoughts​

Yes, mental fitness training can improve physical health. Reduced stress levels lead to lower blood pressure. It also promotes better heart health and improved immune function. Positive mental health encourages healthier lifestyle choices, such as better diet and regular exercise.

“Diet and mental fitness: A balanced diet rich in nutrients supports brain health. Omega-3 fatty acids, antioxidants, and vitamins found in fruits, vegetables, fish, and nuts are particularly beneficial. Avoiding too much sugar and processed foods can also help maintain stable mood and energy levels

Mental fitness and mental health conditions: Yes, regular mental fitness training can help manage and reduce symptoms of anxiety and depression. Techniques like mindfulness and cognitive behavioral therapy are proven to be effective. These practices help individuals develop healthier thought patterns and coping strategie

Benefits of group mental fitness training: Group activities, like group meditation, yoga classes, or support groups, provide social support and boost motivation. They can reduce feelings of isolation and offer a sense of community. Shared experiences improve overall mental well-being

Physical exercise and mental fitness: Regular physical exercise boosts mental fitness by releasing endorphins, reducing stress, and improving sleep. Exercise also enhances brain function and helps with anxiety and depression. Activities like yoga and tai chi are great for both physical and mental well-being.

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Tarek Chouja

Tarek Chouja is the co-founder of the Functional Training Institute (FTI). FTI started in 2009 in Sydney, Australia. Tarek has improved coaching and training in movement and injury prevention. He led FTI to create the first approved kettlebell and battling ropes courses in Australia. Tarek also developed the Adaptive Functional Training Systems (Adaptive FTS). His work has certified over 5,000 fitness professionals in 15 countries. FTI is now a leader in functional training certification.

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