The battling ropes main focus is using the concept of maintaining velocity, which is seen as sustaining the waves, which are produced with the movement of the ropes.
We recommend you use a 15m rope made of either manila or poly. The ropes produce these incredible results by introducing two new elements – power production over time & tension over time.
The first element will train your mind & body to maintain power over a greater period of time. This power is a combination of strength & explosiveness. This maintaining power will carry you into any arena. Whether you are a swimmer, martial artist, football player or just looking for that “edge” in your given sport. You will be able to perform at your highest level for a much longer time due to the unique nature of the battling ropes.
The second element that is new to any training you have ever done before is the strength aspect of battling ropes. You will find yourself actually pushing & pulling at the same time. You will also find yourself performing an isometric contraction while you are performing a full range of motion movement. With this strength system you will find that you will get the maximum results in the shortest period of time. You will also find that there is a constant tension throughout the exercises, unlike other types of strength training that is often muscle specific.
As you train with the battling ropes you will gain great aerobic capacity. You are in control of how hard & how long you work out. We recommend that you stop the exercise once good form is lost. However movement can be maintained by programming battling ropes exercises which use different movement patterns into a circuit.
You will quickly notice how the battling ropes will transfer into your sport or activity. You will not only have a lot of fun with your training, but you will also find yourself more motivated in general due to the increased physical & mental discipline you will gain by training with battling ropes.
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