Functional Training Institute


  • The Basics of Functional Training: What You Need to Know


      Functional training is about preparing your body for real-life movements. It focuses on building strength, flexibility, and coordination. In the USA, functional training has gained popularity. Many gyms now offer classes and programs. Understanding the basics is important for anyone interested in fitness. This guide covers what you need to know about functional training. […]

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  • Top 5 Strength Coach Certification Programs in 2024


    Strength coaches play a crucial role in athletes’ success. They design workouts, guide athletes, and ensure peak performance. If you’re in the USA and want to become a strength coach, certification is essential. Here are the top five strength coach certification programs in 2024. 1. National Strength and Conditioning Association (NSCA) Certified Strength and Conditioning […]

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  • To Heel Wedge, or Not to Heel Wedge

    To Heel Wedge, or Not to Heel Wedge


    In the fitness industry, debates about the best techniques and tools are common, and one such debate centres around the use of heel wedges or weight plates to elevate the heels during squats. While some argue that this method allows for a deeper range of motion in the hips without demanding significant ankle dorsiflexion, it’s […]

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  • The Role of a Strength Coach: Beyond the Gym Introduction to Strength Coachin


    Strength coaching goes beyond lifting weights and building muscle. It’s about guiding athletes and individuals toward their fitness goals. A strength coach helps improve physical performance and reduce injury risks. They tailor workouts to meet specific needs. A strength coach does more than supervise workouts. They provide education on proper form and technique. This ensures […]

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  • Maximising Athletic Performance: Understanding Maximal vs. Rate of Force Production

    Maximising Athletic Performance: Understanding Maximal vs. Rate of Force Production


    Introduction Force production, the essential ability to generate muscular force, is a core component of virtually every athletic endeavour. It is what propels a sprinter off the blocks, powers a weightlifter through a snatch, and drives a swimmer through the water. This blog post discusses two critical aspects of force production: maximal force production and […]

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  • WEDNESDAY WISDOM: Using Your Coaching Eye

    WEDNESDAY WISDOM: Using Your Coaching Eye


    We’ve all had a client who is absolutely smashing a program and making progress toward a goal, when suddenly… BOOM.. pain happens and stops them in their tracks, they want to stop everything. It’s such a disappointing and frustrating position for both you and the client to be in! As coaches, the best way we […]

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