Functional Training Institute


  • Regressing the Swing


    Boris Bojanovic The kettlebell swing is the archetypal kettlebell exercise. Nearly every other kettlebell exercise builds on the principle of the swing. When you boil it right down the swing is about generating force against the ground & transferring it to the kettlebell. What that means is using hip drive of the glutes & hamstrings […]

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  • AIK Reflections

    AIK Reflections


    Reflections on AIK It all began towards the end of 2008 when Dan and I conjured an idea that had been planted during our intense, mixed circuit training sessions. Of course as PT

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  • What is shoulder packing? Part 3


    By Boris Bojanovic In part 1 of this article series we introduced the concept of shoulder packing & talked about what the body needs to do to take a kettlebell overhead safely. In part 2 we delved deeper into what can go wrong with overhead movements because of our modern computer desk posture. These restrictions […]

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  • My experiences with Girevoy


    by Dan Henderson When I tell people that I have recently hired a Girevoy specialist coach and am looking to compete they look at me with a blank look and have no idea what I am talking about. So I thought I would share what Girevoy is and my experiences.

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  • Why your clients should use chalk with kettlebells

    Why your clients should use chalk with kettlebells


    by Boris Bojanovic Chalk is an important component of kettlebell training weight training of any kind requires the participant to hold metal handles. The skin’s natural adaptation is to thicken, resulting in calluses. Chalk use is important as chalk dries out the hand which lets the kettlebell handle move in the hand without catching & […]

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  • What is shoulder packing? Part 2


    by Boris Bojanovic In the first part of this article series on shoulder packing in kettlebell overhead movements we talked about shoulder upward rotation being necessary to make space for the humerus to move without risking impingement. Correct overhead kettlebell posture, as viewed from the side, is a near vertical arm. This requires enough scapular […]

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