Functional Training Institute

Kettlebell Training

How to teach Kettlebell and Powerbag Lunges

How to teach Kettlebell and Powerbag Lunges

by Boris Bojanovic So, we’ve covered the other major  lower body exercises with in past articles Kettlebell Squat Variations ( & Regressing the Swing ( Now it’s time to have a closer look at the lunge. Lunges are a single leg variation of the squat movement pattern where one leg stays in front & mimics

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Kettlebell Squat Variations: Which one to use, when & why?

by Boris Bojanovic The squat has long been called the king of exercises – with good reason. There’s nothing more functional than loading the legs to get them stronger. This makes the squat the most versatile exercise because it helps the full spectrum of your clients. Your little old nanna client has trouble getting up

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Breathing in Kettlebells

Breathing in Kettlebells

by Boris Bojanovic You’re all familiar with the traditional way of breathing during weight training exercises. You exhale on the exertion/concentric phase of the lift & inhale on the relaxation/eccentric phase. We call this breathing pattern biomechanical breathing because it matches the biomechanics of the movement. Biomechanical breathing works well in kettlebell grind exercises. When

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