Functional Training Institute

Technical Fitness

Maximising Athletic Performance: Understanding Maximal vs. Rate of Force Production

Maximising Athletic Performance: Understanding Maximal vs. Rate of Force Production

Introduction Force production, the essential ability to generate muscular force, is a core component of virtually every athletic endeavour. It is what propels a sprinter off the blocks, powers a weightlifter through a snatch, and drives a swimmer through the water. This blog post discusses two critical aspects of force production: maximal force production and

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human potential movement

Aspiring to be a Better Version of Ourselves or a More Fully Developed Human Being

The Human Potential Movement and Multiple Intelligences In the human potential movement, a number of key questions arise that define what this concept is all about:  “What are the limits of human ability, the boundaries of the human experience? What does it mean to be a human being?” The theory/movement was spawned in 1961 by

Aspiring to be a Better Version of Ourselves or a More Fully Developed Human Being Read More »

movement habits brain neural

WEDNESDAY WISDOM: Movement Sins & Neural Signals

We’re focusing on movement habits and the brain – if you missed last week’s post on Bad Technique vs Pathomechanics scroll and check it out so you’re up to date. To recap last week’s terminology: Pathomechanics = Bad Biomechanics; Bad Biomechanics = Bad Ingrained Movement Habits; Bad Ingrained Movement Habits = Movement Sins. How do

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bad technique pathomechanics

WEDNESDAY WISDOM: Bad Technique vs Pathomechanics

In our next series of Wednesday Wisdoms we’re shifting our focus to movement, habits and the brain! When coaching clients our attention is on ensuring people are learning and moving with good technique, but hands up if you’ve experienced one of these things… You teach someone a new exercise and they just can’t understand that

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strength power training

Integrating Strength and Power Training for Optimal Client Results

The vast realm of fitness is fueled by constant advancements and deeper insights into how our bodies respond to various forms of exercise. One critical aspect that personal trainers continually navigate is the intelligent cycling between different training modalities to elicit the best possible results for their clients. This article delves into the art and

Integrating Strength and Power Training for Optimal Client Results Read More »

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