Kettlebell Workout of the Week: Don’t Drop the Bell
This functional training workout is much like our ‘Single-Bell Domination’ from back in January only it has some more advanced exercises!
Get a clock ready as you are not allowed to put the bell on the ground for 20 Minutes! It really is a great test of endurance.
The exercises you need to complete with one bell are:
10 Single Arm Swings
10 Figure of 8’s
10 Cleans
10 Jerks
10 Overhead Squats
10 Snatches
You switch sides after each exercise (the exception is the Figure of 8’s). So do the 10 swings on the right then switch to the left and do them. Switch back to the right for the kettlebell cleans etc.
Females use 8-10 KG
Males use 12 – 16 KG
Beasts and Heath 20-24 KG
Record your rounds at the end if you can keep count!
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