Functional Training Institute

Alternating Madness

Hi Guys, and welcome to another Video of the Week. This Workout involves Kettlebells and is called “Alternating Madness”. The exercises used in this workout our straight from our Advanced Concepts of Kettlebells Level 2 Course. The two exercises being utilized are The Alternating Kettlebell High Pull and the Alternating Kettlebell Snatch which is a great progression from the High Pull.

Alternating Madness:

Exercise 1 – The Alternating Kettlebell High Pull

The alternate high pull should only be performed once the body is fully warmed up including mobilization of all joints. The alternate high pull requires great strength, speed and coordination making it a great core and explosive exercise.

The key to this movement is timing and speed. You need to ensure you get the correct tempo of the movement throughout the exercise. One kettlebell is always up and the other kettlebell is always down. The knees pulse throughout and there is much more emphasis on the quads than the traditional high-pulls. The movement uses less of a hip hinge and is powered predominately through the knees and upper body.

Exercise 2 – The Alternating Kettlebell Snatch

The alternate snatch should only be performed once the body is fully warmed up including mobilization of all joints. Keeping the back straight take the bells and swing through the legs and commence a double kettlebell swinguding mobilization of all joints. The alternate snatch is a follow on from the alternate high pull and requires more drive of the hips to be able to get the bell overhead.

  1. Place the two bells together on the floor side by side with the handles at 45 degree
  2. Standing in front of the bells with feet wider than normal reach out and place both hands on the bells
  3. Keeping the back straight take the bells and swing through the legs and commence a double kettlebell swing

Valuable points:

• Avoid rounding of the back
• Keep the shoulders drawn back
• Breath out on the down phase
• Breath in on the up phase
• Keep the bells close together
• Increase the drive of the swing
• Let the elbows lead the motion during retraction
• Decelerate the downwards motion
• Increase the pace of the hip drive

If you would like to learn these exercises and more in depth we have a Advanced Concepts of Kettlebells level 2 coming up on the 26th of July in Melbourne if you interested Click Here. 

I hope you guys got a lot out of this and can incorporate it into your workout regime.

Thanks guys,


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