Functional Training Institute


  • The Turkish Get-Up: An Amazing Tool for Assessment, Correction & Strength


    Welcome to Part 1 of our AIK’s latest Team Member Glenn Phipp’s article on the Turkish Get-Up. He shares his insights into why this movement is so effective and how he uses it in his own practice. The Turkish get-up (TGU) is one of my personal favourite tools as a trainer. Why did I use […]

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  • Thinking and Feeling functional training

    Thinking and Feeling functional training


    As human beings we are born with a desire to ‘move’ and then explore the world around us with the freedom of movement and the joys, wonder and happiness that brings. But how far have we come as a species when a large portion of us (and not just in the west these days!) sit […]

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  • Battling Rope complexes


    Battling Rope complex By Tarek Chouja Background to the Battling Rope The Battling Rope is one of the most versatile training tools that takes unconventional training to an accessible level By accessible, I mean it is not an exclusive tool for avid fitness freaks nor for athletes such as MMA. The versatility of the battling Rope […]

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  • Unconventional Trainers Down Under

    Unconventional Trainers Down Under


    Australia’s Best Unconventional Trainers   People are looking for a challenge with their training and they want something different. It is these demands from the consumer that has led to an explosion of popularity for unconventional training in Australia. A few years ago, people would’ve thought you were crazy if you incorporated ropes, tyres, chains, […]

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  • Unleashing the Kettlebell Pistol Squat

    Unleashing the Kettlebell Pistol Squat


    The kettlebell pistol squat is an impressive looking exercise. Not only does it look good but the benefits reaped are second to none. The squat requires great strength, balance, coordination, symmetry and mobility. The movement is beneficial for everyone including professional athletes and regular Joes. There are numerous benefits for incorporating the pistol squat into […]

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  • Using Props to Refine Kettlebell Technique

    Using Props to Refine Kettlebell Technique


    The Get Up is a difficult movement to learn because if its may steps. Going from a “naked” Get Up, i.e. one performed without a kettlebell, to a loaded Get Up is a big step for several reasons. Your clients worry about the weight dropping on them as they try to remember the steps. Another […]

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