Functional Training Institute


  • Kettlebell Ladder of Pain

    Kettlebell Ladder of Pain


    Kettlebell Workout of the Week: Ladder of Pain This week’s killer workout is designed test your pain threshold. Keep a close eye on your movements and remember to breathe! 10 Double Kettlebell Long Cycle Clean & Presses 5 Burpie Suitcase Deadlifts 12 Double Kettlebell Presses 5 Burpie Suitcase Deadlifts 14 Double Kettlebell Squat Thrusters 5 […]

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  • The Finisher


    Kettlebell Workout of the Week: The Finisher Designed to test even the fittest of individuals, The Finisher is guaranteed to get your thighs and shoulders burning! Reps from 15 to 1 15 Double Squat Thrusters then 15 Double High Pulls 14 Double Squat Thrusters then 14 Double High Pulls 13… 13….. 12 and 12 and so on to […]

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  • Kettlebell Workout: 100 Reps of Hell

    Kettlebell Workout: 100 Reps of Hell


    Kettlebell Workout: 100 Reps of Hell A special workout, the 100 Reps of Hell is designed to be performed with a single kettlebell. Prepare yourself for a 20 Minute AMRAP that will bring a tear to the Toughest Folk! 10 x 2 Hand Swings 10 x Right Hand Cleans 10 x Left Hand Cleans 10 x Right Rack […]

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  • The Turkish Get-Up: Detailed Steps on How to Perform the Exercise

    The Turkish Get-Up: Detailed Steps on How to Perform the Exercise


    The Turkish Get-Up (TGU) is an incredibly beneficial exercise-when performed correctly. Traditionally the TGU is performed smoothly through 8 steps. Press Post on elbow Post on hand Bridge at the hips Bridge to one knee Turn knee so both knees 90 degrees Kneeling lunge Stand A number of variations of this kettlebell workout exist, whether […]

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  • Terrible Twenty’s


    Workout of the Week: Terrible Twenty’s Our kettlebell training exercise is guaranteed to make you love and hate the number 20! 20 Double Front Squats 20 Bent over Rows 20 Double Swings 20 Push-ups 20 Reverse Lunges 20 Double Presses 20 Double High Pulls 20 Double Jerks 20 Double Cleans 20 Suitcase Deadlifts Rounds for Time […]

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  • The Slaughterer


    Workout of the Week: The Slaughterer We did this in our Level 3 course yesterday and WOW! It is brutal! 50 x 2 hand Swings 10 Deck Squats 10 Dead Snatches each side 20 Minute AMRAP Females – 8 KG Males  – 12 KG Machines – 16 KG Good luck!

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