Functional Training Institute

Functional Training

Functional Assessment Of The Back Squat

Functional Assessment Of The Back Squat

For many trainers and coaches, functional movement assessments such as the overhead squat, and others due to their complexity, are a barrier to performing the important task of observing movement competency, before progressing to load.  Given, the squat pattern is fundamental to many of the functional training movement patterns, utilised with kettlebells, functional bags, battling

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Kettlebells - One Of The Best Training Tools On The Planet

Kettlebells – One Of The Best Training Tools On The Planet

If you are not using Kettlebells in your training then you are missing out…… People all over the world are drawn to this incredible tool because it’s fun to use and produces amazing training results. The kettlebell is so effective because it enables you to develop strength, flexibility and cardio simultaneously. It is incredible for

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Why Functional Training is here to Stay

Why Functional Training is here to Stay

Functional Training is training that has a purpose. It is context specific and will differ for professional athletes and special need populations. However, to the masses ‘Functional Training’ consists of exercises that help people function optimally. These include mobilisations, releases and activations to ‘undo’ our modern postures and exercises based on primal patterns including squatting,

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How to Enhance Motivation - Foster Relatedness

How to Enhance Motivation – Foster Relatedness

One of our 3 innate needs is Relatedness. I have identified 7 different ways we can enhance relatedness and in turn increase the level of internal motivation within our clients.   Priorities space in your sessions to talk Social Events Create opportunities for PB’s & Celebrate it as a group Individual challenge within the context

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